Secrets of the Stomach - Seeds of Science Secrets of the Stomach - Seeds of Science Default Manufacturer Grade 3-4 506591 S0022 5.99 The Lawrence Discovery Store
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Secrets of the Stomach - Seeds of Science

Secrets of the Stomach - Seeds of Science

Secrets of the Stomach describes the work of three scientists who investigated how the stomach digests food. It outlines how each of them found evidence that added to the scientific community’s understanding of digestion.

By reading this book, students learn that scientists base their explanations on evidence and that the best explanations are those that take into account all of the evidence.

After looking at several explanations, students learn that acid juices in the stomach aid in the digestion of food.

This book models how to make explanations based on evidence and how to revise explanations when new evidence is discovered.

Grade 3-4

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