Systems - Seeds of Science Systems - Seeds of Science Default Manufacturer Grade 3-4 506590 S0023 5.99 The Lawrence Discovery Store
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Systems - Seeds of Science

Systems - Seeds of Science

Systems develops the concept of systems through an analysis of parts that interact to create a whole. Photographs, diagrams, and tables convey the structure and function of a bicycle wheel and a bicycle.

The book illustrates how parts work together—a bicycle is a collection of interacting parts including a seat, handlebars, a frame, a chain, pedals, and wheels. It shows how you can change a bicycle system so it works differently and you can change a bicycle system in ways that cause it not to work.

The book goes on to discuss systems more broadly—the human body, a dishwasher, the Solar System. Triangle diagrams are used to show how different systems work together to form larger systems.

This book helps students understand an important scientific concept and apply it in a variety of situations.

Grade 3-4

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