What's the Diagnosis? - Seeds of Science What's the Diagnosis? - Seeds of Science Default Manufacturer Grade 3-4 506594 S0025 5.99 The Lawrence Discovery Store
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What's the Diagnosis? - Seeds of Science

What's the Diagnosis? - Seeds of Science

What’s the Diagnosis? tells about Elaine Davenport, a real doctor who specializes in pediatric medicine. The book’s introduction describes how an important part of Dr. Davenport’s job is making diagnoses when patients are sick.

The book presents two fictional accounts that are based on Dr. Davenport’s real experiences.

In the first scenario, Dr. Davenport makes a diagnosis of the cause of a boy’s sore throat. As Dr. Davenport gathers evidence for the diagnosis, students learn the process involved in making a diagnosis.

The second scenario introduces a patient who has an upset stomach. Students learn how to use the evidence collected by Dr. Davenport to make their own diagnosis of this patient.

Grade 3-4

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