Without Soil - Seeds of Science Without Soil - Seeds of Science Default Manufacturer Grade 2-3 501098 S0069 5.99 The Lawrence Discovery Store
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Without Soil - Seeds of Science

Without Soil - Seeds of Science

Without Soil?£reviews the key themes of the Soil Habitats unit by asking students to imagine a world without soil.

Through this device, the following ideas are reviewed: living things depend on one another, soil helps all living things survive by providing the nutrients necessary for the plants that animals (including humans) depend upon for food and other needs, that the roots of plants help soil stay in place, and that soil is a habitat for a great number and complexity of interdependent organisms.

The book goes on to explain how soil loss is an important environmental problem. In addition to providing a review of many of the important ideas in the unit, Without Soil communicates the interdependence of plants, animals, humans and soil.

Grade 2-3

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